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  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

  • BSMMU Residency Exam Preparation

  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus


Clinical Features:

A 29-year-old female patient came with amenorrhea for 3+ months.

Ultrasound Features:

- 13-14 week sized single live intrauterine pregnancy.

- Two layers of cord tightly wrapped around the fetal neck.


Don’t end the obstetric ultrasound without using Doppler to see the umbilical cord.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Two layers of cord around the neck of a 14-week-sized fetus.

Ultrasound Images:

Two layers of cord around the neck of a 14-week-sized fetus 

Tightness of the cord is seen at the neck on 3D images

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For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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Clinical Features:

A 63-year-old male patient came with right hemiscrotal painful swelling.

Ultrasound Features:

- Swollen & hypoechoic right testis & epididymis with increased vascularity on Doppler.

- Right sided mild hydrocele.


Any focal heterogeneous area in a case of acute epididymo-orchitis should be assessed carefully with Doppler to exclude abscess.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Right sided acute epididymo-orchitis with reactionary hydrocele.

Ultrasound Images:

Right sided acute epididymo-orchitis with reactionary hydrocele

Right testis & epididymis on 3D images

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For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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Clinical Features:

A 34-year-old male patient came with a right supraclavicular lump for 4 years.

Ultrasound Features:

- A well-defined oblong-shaped encapsulated compressible hyperechoic area with internal fine linear striations parallel to the skin indicating fatty lesion is seen at the subcutaneous layer of the right supraclavicular region.

- Color Doppler shows no internal or abnormal peripheral vascularity.


- If lipomas are painful or tender, then they are known as Dercum disease or adiposis dolorosa.
- Consider angiolipoma if mild to moderate internal vascularity is present.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Supraclavicular Superficial Lipoma

Ultrasound Images:

Supraclavicular superficial lipoma on grayscale images

Supraclavicular superficial lipoma on 3D images

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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Clinical Features:

A 70-year-old male patient came with right dorsal wrist swelling & pain.

Ultrasound Features:

- A well-defined ovoid hypoechoic area with a stalk extending toward joint seen at the dorsal aspect of the lateral part of wrist.

- Color Doppler shows no internal vascularity. 


- Stalk extending toward joint & no internal vascularity may help differentiate from other tumors.
- Pseudosolid appearance may indicate internal hemorrhage.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Ganglion cyst at the wrist.

Ultrasound Images:

A well-defined ovoid hypoechoic area with a stalk extending toward joint seen at the dorsal aspect of the lateral part of wrist. Color Doppler shows no internal vascularity. 

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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Clinical Features:

A 13-year-old male patient came with

- Severe left hemiscrotal pain for around 4 days

- Scrotal swelling

Ultrasound Features:

- Swollen left testis & epididymis with inhomogeneous parenchymal echotexture. 

- Multiple irregular anechoic spaces within the left testicular parenchyma.

- Color Doppler shows no detectable flow within the left testis & epididymis.

- A lamellated mass with concentric layering just cephalad to the left testis representing the coiled spermatic cord components forming the ‘whirlpool sign’ with twisting or whirling on color Doppler.

- Discrete punctate non-shadowing hyperechoic foci diffusely scattered throughout the testicular parenchyma bilaterally with comet tail artifacts.

- Left sided mild hydrocele with internal non-vascular septations.

- Thickening of the left hemiscrotal skin.


- In case of incomplete testicular torsion, color Doppler may show vascularity within the testis.
- An increase in arterial RI of >0.75 & absence of intratesticular venous flow may help confirm testicular torsion.
- Clusters of testicular microliths may represent testicular tumor without soft tissue mass.
- Clusters of microliths adjacent to solid mass suggest a germ cell tumor.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

- Left testicular early subacute torsion with mild reactionary hydrocele.

- Bilateral diffuse testicular microlithiasis.

Ultrasound Images:

Right testicular diffuse microlithiasis

Swollen left testis & epididymis with inhomogeneous parenchymal echotexture. 
Multiple irregular anechoic spaces within the left testicular parenchyma.
Left testicular diffuse microlithiasis.
Color Doppler shows no detectable flow within the left testis & epididymis.
Left sided mild hydrocele with internal non-vascular septations.

A lamellated mass with concentric layering just cephalad to the left testis representing the coiled spermatic cord components forming the ‘whirlpool sign’ with twisting or whirling on color Doppler.

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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Clinical Features:

A 42-year-old male came with

- Severe right upper abdominal pain

- Vomiting

- Positive Murphy’s sign

Ultrasound Features:

- Distended gallbladder with thickened & edematous wall with peri-cholecystic mild collection.

- Gallbladder lumen shows hypoechoic sludge. Within the sludge, tiny echogenic structures are also seen without posterior acoustic shadow. Rest of the lumen contains low-level echoes showing acoustic streaming.

- Mild hepatosplenomegaly.


Acoustic streaming can help differentiate pus from sludge in empyema.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Acute cholecystitis with biliary sludge, microcalculi/soft calculi & features of empyema.

Ultrasound Images:

Mild hepatomegaly

Mild splenomegaly

Thick GB wall

Acute cholecystitis with biliary sludge, microcalculi/soft calculi & features of empyema.

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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