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Showing posts with label USG Intestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USG Intestine. Show all posts


Clinical Features:

11-year-old female patient came with severe right lower abdominal pain.

Ultrasound Features:

- Right iliac fossa shows an irregular thick-walled complex collection with internal low-level echoes.

- Vermiform appendix is not separately visualized.

- Surrounding thickened fat layer is seen.

- Adjacent bowel loops show sluggish movements.

- Color Doppler shows prominent perilesional vascularity.

- The lesion compresses adjacent psoas muscle with no intrapsoas abnormality at present.

- Adjacent multiple prominent lymph nodes are seen.


Peritoneal collection adjacent to a gangrenous appendix or abscess may suggest perforation.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Appendicular Abscess 

Ultrasound Images:

Appendicular abscess

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For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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Clinical Features:

A 40-year-old female came with occasional epigastric swelling.

Ultrasound Features:

- A herniated sac is noted at the midline epigastric region.

- Content appears to be reducible omental fat.


Color Doppler may help exclude strangulation in an obstructed hernia.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Midline Epigastric Reducible Hernia

Ultrasound Images:

A herniated sac is noted at the midline epigastric region having reducible omental fat as content

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

YouTube Link


Clinical Features:

An 11-year-old male patient came with severe right lower abdominal pain.

Ultrasound Features:

A blind-ended, distended, non-compressible, tubular structure of intestinal origin, connected to adjacent caecum with the presence of gut signature, surrounding fat stranding & mild perilesional collection is noted at the right iliac fossa.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Acute appendicitis.


Loss of gut signature suggests gangrenous change. Whereas, localized collection adjacent to a gangrenous appendix may suggest perforation.

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Ultrasound Images:


Clinical Features:

A 7-year-old boy came with

- Lower abdominal cramping pain

- Frequency of micturition

Ultrasound Features:

Multiple tubular echogenic motile structures are noted within the small intestinal lumen adjacent to the urinary bladder.


In endemic as well as non-endemic areas, if a regular abdominal ultrasound of a child complaining about abdominal pain shows no definite organic abnormality then do not end the examination without searching for intestinal worms.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Multiple tubular echogenic motile worms within the small intestinal lumen.

YouTube Video Link:



Clinical Features:

A 1.5 years old child came with recurrent episodes of respiratory distress.

Ultrasound Features:

A gap is seen at the anteromedial aspect of the right dome of the diaphragm through which the intestinal loops with peristalsis & internal dirty shadow casting echogenic air are herniating to the right lower chest.


When you get an uncommon lesion on an x-ray or on any other imaging modality that can be seen on ultrasound, check that with ultrasound.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Lt: Normal spleen & left hemidiaphragm. Rt: Part of liver with a defect of diaphragm at the medial aspect causing herniation of intestinal loops to the right lower chest.

Fig: Part of liver with a defect of diaphragm at the medial aspect causing herniation of intestinal loops to the right lower chest.

Fig: Right lower chest showing gas-filled bowel loops casting dirty shadows.

Fig: Chest X-ray; bowel loops are seen at right lower chest.

Fig: Barium meal x-ray; small bowel loops are seen at right lower chest.

YouTube Video Link:



Clinical Features:

A middle-aged male patient came with severe right lower abdominal pain.

Ultrasound Features:

A blind-ended, distended, non-compressible, tubular structure of intestinal origin, connected to adjacent caecum with the presence of gut signature & surrounding echogenic thick fat layer is noted at the right iliac fossa.


Localized collection adjacent to an inflamed appendix should be assessed carefully by magnifying the field of view to exclude perforation.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Inflammed vermiform appendix

Fig: Inflammed vermiform appendix; Diameter: 10mm

Fig: Inflammed vermiform appendix

YouTube Video Link:


Clinical Features:

A 20 years old female patient came with central abdominal cramping pain.

Ultrasound Features:

Multiple tubular echogenic motile structures are noted within the small intestinal lumen.


In endemic as well as non-endemic areas, if a regular abdominal ultrasound of a child complaining about abdominal pain shows no definite organic abnormality then do not end the examination without searching for intestinal worms.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Multiple tubular echogenic motile worms within the small intestinal lumen.

YouTube Video Link:



Appendicular Perforation

Common in recurrent appendicitis.

Case 01:

Patient with severe right lower abdominal pain for 2-3 days with history of recurrent appendicitis. 
Mildly distended appendix with loss of gut signature due to gangrenous change with a small gap on the appendicular wall with communicating small hazy collection and surrounding thick echogenic fat accumulation.


Intestinal worms can be visualized with high frequency transducer in suspected cases.

Clinical Features:

9 years old female patient came with the history of
1. Periumbilical pain.
2. Anorexia.

Ultrasound Findings:

Two tubular shaped lumen containing structures are noted with in the transverse colon forming typical target sign.


Features Suggestive Of:

Intestinal Ascariasis