:::: MENU ::::
  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

  • BSMMU Residency Exam Preparation

  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus


Clinical Features:

A 12-year-old female patient came with fever, burning micturition & left back pain.

Ultrasound Features:

  • Swollen & echogenic left kidney with accentuation of corticomedullary differentiation.
  • Urinary bladder debris.
  • Mild hepatomegaly.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

  • Left-sided acute nephropathy, possibly pyelonephritis. Urine RME can easily exclude glomerulonephritis.
  • Urinary bladder debris.
  • Mild hepatomegaly.

Ultrasound Images:

Mild hepatomegaly

Right kidney & gallbladder

Swollen & echogenic left kidney

Urinary bladder lumen filled with debris

Renal parenchyma on Doppler

Swollen & echogenic left kidney with accentuation of corticomedullary differentiation.

Hazy pyramids on high-frequency ultrasound

Urinary bladder debris on high-frequency ultrasound


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