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  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus

  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

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  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus

  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

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Clinical Features:

A 1.5 years old child came with recurrent episodes of respiratory distress.

Ultrasound Features:

A gap is seen at the anteromedial aspect of the right dome of the diaphragm through which the intestinal loops with peristalsis & internal dirty shadow casting echogenic air are herniating to the right lower chest.


When you get an uncommon lesion on an x-ray or on any other imaging modality that can be seen on ultrasound, check that with ultrasound.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Lt: Normal spleen & left hemidiaphragm. Rt: Part of liver with a defect of diaphragm at the medial aspect causing herniation of intestinal loops to the right lower chest.

Fig: Part of liver with a defect of diaphragm at the medial aspect causing herniation of intestinal loops to the right lower chest.

Fig: Right lower chest showing gas-filled bowel loops casting dirty shadows.

Fig: Chest X-ray; bowel loops are seen at right lower chest.

Fig: Barium meal x-ray; small bowel loops are seen at right lower chest.

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