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  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

  • BSMMU Residency Exam Preparation

  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus


Clinical Features:

A 27 years old female patient came with

- Dysmenorrhoea

- Menorrhagia

Ultrasound Features:

- Bulky uterus.

- Anterior myometrium is thicker than the posterior one.

- Anterior myometrium is inhomogeneous with tiny anechoic cystic spaces at the endo-myo junction.

- Multiple small well-defined round to oval anechoic cystic structures of variable size casting posterior acoustic enhancements are seen within the cervical myometrium.


Adenomyosis won’t show pseudocapsule but the fibroid will.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Inhomogeneous anterior myometrium with tiny anechoic cystic spaces at the endo-myo junction

Fig: Inhomogeneous anterior myometrium with tiny anechoic cystic spaces at the endo-myo junction

Fig: Inhomogeneous thick anterior myometrium with tiny anechoic cystic spaces at the endo-myo junction

Fig: Multiple well-defined anechoic cervical nabothian cysts with posterior acoustic enhancements

Fig: Multiple well-defined anechoic cervical nabothian cysts with posterior acoustic enhancements

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