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  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

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  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus


Clinical Features:

A 33 years old male patient came with left hemiscrotal painful swelling.

Ultrasound Features:

- A well-defined linear echogenic structure is noted about 8.5mm deep to the skin surface of the bottom of the left hemiscrotum.

- Irregular hypoechoic area is noted surrounding the echogenic focus.

- Color Doppler shows increased vascularity within the hypoechoic area.

- No testicular or epididymal abnormality.


- In case of genital part lesions, patient history may not be always satisfactory.
- What you see may become more important than what you hear.

Ultrasound Images:

Fig: Echogenic linear foreign body with surrounding hypoechoic granuloma

Fig: Echogenic linear foreign body with surrounding hypoechoic granuloma

Fig: Foreign body is 8.5mm deep to scrotal skin surface. Doppler shows increased vascularity within & towards the granuloma

Fig: Foreign body is of 6.7mm length & 0.3mm width. Doppler shows increased vascularity within & towards the granuloma.

Fig: Color Doppler shows low impedance flow supplying the granuloma.

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