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  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus

  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

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  • Fetal Intracardiac Echogenic Focus

  • Caesarean Section Scar Niche

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Heterotopic pregnancy means the presence of both intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy.

Clinical Features:

Reproductive aged female patient came with the history of
1. Amenorrhoea for 2 months followed by per vaginal bleeding with fleshy mass expulsion.
2. Severe lower abdominal pain, more on the left side.

Clinically, the patient was anemic.

Ultrasound Findings:

1. An irregular distorted gestational sac is noted within the uterus with decidual reaction and without any fetal pole.

2. Left tubo-ovarian region shows an irregular small gestational sac, surrounded by an irregular thick wall forming donut sign, without any feta pole inside. Color Doppler shows relatively high resistance pattern of arterial supply (RI: 0.71) around the sac which literally excludes the presence of life inside the sac.

3. Huge pelvic collection is noted.


Features Highly Suggestive Of:

Heterotopic pregnancy including incomplete abortion for the intrauterine one and ruptured ectopic for the extrauterine one.

Scanning was done on the 17.05.18 at 2-3am.


  1. vi highly informative,thanks.why u r saying heterotopic in case of intrauterine preg?is it for distorted GS?

  2. oh got it heterotopic for both intrauterine and extrauterine presence of preg?

  3. //Color Doppler shows relatively high resistance pattern of arterial supply (RI: 0.71) around the sac which literally excludes the presence of life inside the sac//
    Plz Explain this..

    1. In case of live ectopic, the Doppler reasistive index (RI) of surrounding arteries are very low (<0.4) due to excess need of nutritional supply. As it goes more than 0.54, it becomes continue to get proper nutrition for survival. In this case, it was 0.71 which is near to normal non-pregnant ovarian arterial RI.
